Sunrise, Sunset

Today the sun rose,
And the sun set.
Bed cold,
Eyes wet.
Who could've foretold?
Who could've bet?
Days apart
Could drain
The heart.

Today the sun rose,
And the sun set.
You're still the handsomest man
I've ever met.
From your nose
To your toes.
A tender heart,
A shining soul.
That smile,
I'll never forget.

Today the sun rose,
And the sun set.
I found an old shirt
That held your scent.
Not long ago
We met in flirt.
Now, who can stitch and sew
Away this hurt?

Today the sun rose,
And the sun set.
Counting the light
In the canvas night.
Even though far,
Even though wide,
I could see your star.
I could feel you fly.

Today the sun rose.
Cold, and in a froze,
I did not.
Taking flight,
Only one thought;
Only one whom I sought…
The smile I never forgot.

Today the sun did not set.
It shined,
And shined.
For again, we met.
Never to part.
Forever in flight.
Forever entwined.
Once more,
Everything was right.