If Only You Knew

Passing seconds erode
Lengthy rays scold
A naive smile
A juvenile laugh
Penetrates miles and miles
Why can’t it be enough?

Drawing from an empty well
Assuring it’s okay
When it’s not our day
If words could only tell
Impossible strength to gain
Upstream, a river of pain
A thankful and loving embrace
Can’t make the case

Meander in fun
Enjoyment, full numb
Wind carries many lessons
Continually preached
Yet, unable to overcome
Unable to press on

Weight of life pooling in your eyes
Beginning to mirror mine
What if it’s hereditary?
A thought too scary…
If I courageously fly to the sky
Everything will be fine

Drowning in mistakes
Sinking in heartache
A preserver carrying me forth
You always were
Each naive smile
Each juvenile laugh
An insurmountable debt incurred

Don’t dip that little chin
The greatest of kin
Don’t wander in wonder
On this day of thunder
Don’t cry for me
For now I am free

In Your Arms

You held me in your arms
The first night we met.
You held me in your arms
The last night I wept.
If love is war,
You retreated unscathed,
Caring less and less about my name.
A casualty, bleeding from the core,
Pondering what it was all for.

Driving from a past life,
Cityscape increasingly smeared.
You gripped the bloody knife,
Affirming my greatest fear.
What began in secret,
White-hot with passion,
Ended with affection less frequent-
A phoenix, incapable of rising from these ashes.

With a mind so wise,
How was I supposed to know
Grooves and Folds contained such lies.
Left in a tattered raft to row.
Pleading for a lifeline
to salvage what was broke.
Yet, everything would be fine
If, from this nightmare I awoke.
Free from harm,
To find myself in your arms.

Sour Hours

Dust collecting
Mind reflecting
Many unfound hours
Organic chemistry turning sour
Waiting for a single knock
Wish someone could hear me talk
A bad batch
Or wrong mixture, maybe
Who will take care of the baby

Shrieking night cries
So young, yet so wise
Let them hear
Let them near
Grow and yearn
Fail and learn
Standout from the crowd
Make mama proud

More golden rays
How many days
All quiet and still
Nothing left to kill
Not one curious knock
Or jiggle of the lock
A baby’s laugh
From the other studio’s half
Brings involuntary smiles
A reunion so vile.

Sunrise, Sunset

Today the sun rose,
And the sun set.
Bed cold,
Eyes wet.
Who could've foretold?
Who could've bet?
Days apart
Could drain
The heart.

Today the sun rose,
And the sun set.
You're still the handsomest man
I've ever met.
From your nose
To your toes.
A tender heart,
A shining soul.
That smile,
I'll never forget.

Today the sun rose,
And the sun set.
I found an old shirt
That held your scent.
Not long ago
We met in flirt.
Now, who can stitch and sew
Away this hurt?

Today the sun rose,
And the sun set.
Counting the light
In the canvas night.
Even though far,
Even though wide,
I could see your star.
I could feel you fly.

Today the sun rose.
Cold, and in a froze,
I did not.
Taking flight,
Only one thought;
Only one whom I sought…
The smile I never forgot.

Today the sun did not set.
It shined,
And shined.
For again, we met.
Never to part.
Forever in flight.
Forever entwined.
Once more,
Everything was right.

The Night Sky

The night sky is vast, daunting and devoid of light.

Upon ascension, you shine with an effulgence bright enough to cast away any worries or fears. For you are still here. That much I can decipher with each somber gaze upon the night sky.

Your strength carried you far and carries you even further, still. Now let it guide those who look upon the night sky.

Let it be a guide in times of sadness. Times of grief. Times of wonder. And in times of uncertainty. Let it be a beacon of light during the darkest of hours, for your presence forever glimmers in the night sky.

The night sky may remain ever vast until we reunite. However, it is daunting and devoid of light, no more. And how could it? With your strength. With your light.

For this night and each one thereafter will be brighter than before, because it is you, now, providing the light.

The light in the night sky.